Adsense/google scam rips off blogger when it came to payment time, adsense used my blog to generate money but when payment was due to me they disabled my account? Bogus explanation: AdWords advertisers from inflated costs due to invalid activity, we've found it necessary to disable your AdSense account.
What happened is that adsense and there advertisers took the money and ran like crooks with masks, I could care less about the money that they owe me & but I do care about a explanation they owe to the readers to my blog on this matter, its the principal of the matter; you just do not go around swindling people knowing that you can get away with it.
And to adsense insult to injury its google's 12th anniversary? them money savvy freaking crooks anyway. Someone(s) should sue them big time for there money scam scheme or dubious antics.
Keith Ranville