Solar eclipse may have been the UFO reason battle of April 14, 1561, east of Nuremberg Germany was a lunar eclipse [News Blogger Theory]
Mexico solar eclipse ufo activity? it seems ufo's have a liking to show themselves during solar event maybe cause there shield are down and they become visibly vulnerable, like the camouflage ability the Cuttlefish have extraterrestrials may have adapted off the cuttlefish shape-shift survival technique?
Nuremberg Germany UFO Battle (1561)
One of the earliest of documented sightings of aerial phenomena took place on April 4, 1561 at dawn over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described as a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses and "plates". The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle for well over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical 'motherships'. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene. An ancient woodcut (click image to view full-size picture) was created by Hans Glaser to document the event. A second woodcut was created by an unknown artist (see below) that depicts the same event. rest is in link
Native Researcher
Keith Ranville