B.C Premier Christy Clark faces prosecution for allowing a unsafe assembly to manifest during vancouvers 2011 stanley-cup championship game? Jail terms christy clark cries wolf on to win next election votes? [BLOGGER NEWS]
The tale of the tape tells the point of view of one ignored family man with family members trapped in vancouvers latest 2011 stanley cup riot mob. “Were was the security” would be the first questioned asked and why was the downtown stanley cup gathering exceeded past its capacity limited allowed?
Its seems by this youtuber that the Vancouver police wanted this riot to happen? He was ignored by the stanley cup policing staff when he inquired his concerns about the wrong and dangerous going on’s at the stanley cup screen watching areas?
There is some tough questions to be asked to christy clark and the Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson, why wasn’t the public better protected at a city sponsored assembly? Instead they point fingers at the rioters? to decept any further blame from themselves? there typical politicians.
After the stanley cup game was over people began to riot in a crowded area cause perhaps they were confined or locked in like cattle? all bridges were shut down leaving or coming into Vancouver’s downtown area? This alone was a recipe for disaster? It is no wonder the riot mob intensified further this vancouver stanley cup riots fault is solely should be blamed on who was in charge of the planning of the stanley cup cities gatherings?
We have many people facing charges relating to the Vancouver riot, and peoples careers ruined, shop and property owners left just devastated from the Vancouver riot financially I should think we should look to who was in charged of this poorly monitored operation that went on june 15th 2011 in downtown vancouver b.c. that is one of Canada’s most attractive cities before any punishment are implemented.
What vancouver don’t want you to know about the stanley cup 2011 riot VPD caused it. Media, lawyers, politicians wins overall in this NHL money game there is no such thing as bad publicity even if the vancouver canucks won the stanley cup they would of not received as much attention as what the riot did? There something not right this video above helps to explain that the vancouver police may have wanted this vancouver riot to happen _ closing off bridges allowing over crowding of game watching areas ect…Related stories to blogger news Vancouver Sun
Keith Ranville of Vancouver