Mobilicity banking scheme nickle and dimes 3 dollars from consumers in elaborate financial scam adds to 1 month fee to yearly costs.
Moblilicity telecommunication company charges a monthly annual three dollars+ only if you do not bank at the following banking institutions TD, Scotia, R.B.C Bank of Montreal. Imperial bank of commercial and other banks is subjected to being duped dinged about three buck, but through in which cost about the average bank maybe a dollar fifty to pay? What ever happened to the customer is always right especially when they are getting taken advantage of by a sneaky company? In a phone conversation with moblilicity they see this as a inconvenience matter?
To what is mobilicity is actually getting away with is at least one months fee charge of using there services charged to you out of a year?; 3 times 12 is 36 that comes around one months user fee service of using there's phone and Internet use? If you have been abused by this moblilicity banking scheme contact the Better Business Bureau
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