Kate Middleton in a jelly bean image its possible oak island mystery has captured ghostly images in-stone stories of lore to oak island mystery were of a ghost dog and a pirate like druid monk it has been said by some in the oak island treasure hunting's past oak island is haunted and I captured in a first time ever of these ghostly spirits beings caught inbetween of two worlds in stone? Hey you never know the world works in mysteruious ways whether its in a jelly bean or scribed in a oak island money pit skull stone stuff like this intrigues the mind, treasure is sometimes hidden in the mysterious?
An English couple are setting themselves up to make a little money because of a jellybean with the likeness of Kate Middleton on it. The couple were visiting the Jelly Bean Factory when they spotted a jellybean that had a design on it that had a very striking resemblance to the future bride of Prince William of Wales.
Wesley Hosie and Jessica White say that they almost immediately spotted the face of Middleton on the jellybean. They stated that it could not have been any better time with it being so close to the Royal Wedding.
The couple said that they plan on auctioning the jellybean on eBay where they say they are hoping at least $1,000 for it.
First Nations
Keith Ranville of vancouver