Learn the latest news developments on oak island & to the mystery that surrounds its money pit, treasure sought on alternate island elaborate native research describes oak island as a scheme to attract interest to a folklore tale rather an actual treasure hunt oppose to actual real research going on in mahone bay nova scotia.
There is only one reason oak islands money pit is a lucrative attraction cause that is where the money i$, as long as the oak island treasure hunt is focused down the money pit there will be no treasure ever found.
Oak island has been in Gilligans island fever for well over 200 years such people as professors, millionaires, actors could not get there mindset dreams off from finding oak islands legendary treasure in its past, its like the blind leading the blind to a none existent treasure on the isle cause the treasure is believed to be on a nearby island in mahone bay.
Of course we got quacky google.com destroying reputations & over sensationalizing the oak island money pit by stirring the minds of mystery enthusiast's with google ragging emotions against one another in order to gain Internet status to there search engine. This google.com ruthless behavior only adds to the oak island phenomena by exaggerating oak islands treasure hunt further thus deceptioning the treasure search even more so? Its common knowledge there is no treasure on oak island, and we all now know birch islands triangle is the finale footprint to solving oak islands treasure mystery.
So why the obsession to the oak island money pit well because of its rich history of lost lives, broken dreams and over-exaggerated monies spent on oak islands money trap hence tourist trap? People should be better intelligent these days or better informed and take notice birch island triangle is vital to understanding this nova scotia treasure hunt altogether.
Treasure Hunter Foundation