Racism comes in many forms & cbc perpetrates racism in hideous boundaries you see it in a oak island land and sea film. But its what you don't see that is repulsively discriminative to first nations natives, its cbc's exclusions of a native man's notoriety to do with the oak island mystery?
"So what" if cbc excluded first nations work from a nova scotia treasure hunt, its how they did it that is so tasteless of them. What cbc was trying to do was segregate first nations natives from caucasian in this cbc land and sea film, and done ignorantly!
Well it sure seems so, that cbc was trying to ploy the race game in this oak island treasure hunt. We could just ignore this matter or we can just let it slide. But what if we just do that... and "forget about it" ? What will this country canada become over time, will it move eventually towards a racially driven country run by bigots, because if cbc canadian broadcasting corporation can try to get away with bigotry then other corporations will engage in cbc's dubious acts of racism also and it will trickle upwards or downwards in canadian society.
CBC more of less thinks this oak island land and sea racism controversy will all blow over, and they can go on doing the same thing to other canadians or even go to other countries and behave in the same irresponsible manner. If I feel that I am being treated unfairly by a canadian government institution its my right to speak out, and this is a wrongly done matter to me that is something that needs to be addressed promptly and also needs to be spoken out and shareD with other canadian citizens, its there right to also to know of this kind of discrimination that has been done to there fellow canadian citizen.
- Keith Ranville of First Nations